Medical Massage

Done with the intent of improving prescribed medical conditions or pathologies. Modalities may or may not be used during session : cupping, lymphatic drainage, scar tissue release, range of motion work, gentle neuromuscular stretching, deep tissue.

Therapeutic Massage

Manipulation of the bodys soft tissue to stimulate circulation and promote relaxation. Modalities include gentle ROM work, soft to moderate pressure and aromatherapy.


A unique spin on reflexology. Jen uses a mixture of traditional acupressure, medical massage and clinical somatics to relieve foot and ankle pain. A great spot treatment for plantar fasciitis, ankle injuries and other chronic foot/ankle issues.

Somatic Movement

A highly effective form of neuromuscular training..........which means, Jen will guide you through a movement series designed for your particular needs and pathologies. The series will train your brain to let go of habitual tension patterns that may have been the root cause of the injury or chronic pain. Learn about how the pain manifested and help to prevent it from ever coming back! You will also go home with your own customized movement plan. This is usually only a 1-3 session therapy.

“As we grow older, our bodies–and our lives–should continue to improve, right up until the very end.”

-Thomas Hanna, founder of Clinical Somatic Education

Reduce Pain
Stay out of Pain

customized bodywork sessions and personalized movement plans will not only improve your body’s function and wellbeing it will keep it that way.

Re-introduce yourself to a balanced body

Think of me as your personal mindbody coach, helping you regain the mobility to do the things you love

Ready to start your mind body journey?

Get in touch.
Your body will thank you